Independent Legal Advice

Independent Legal Advice

When you buy a property in Spain. it is imperative that you don’t cut any corners - ALWAYS use the services of an independent legal professional.

Your chosen lawyer will guide you throughout the entire process in your native language, whilst protecting your interests. With their help, you should find the buying process is straight forward, safe and a timely transaction. Your lawyer will assist you every step of the way including applying for your NIE number, opening a Spanish bank account, Notary signing, arranging utilities etc..

Here at New Spanish Properties we can recommend a selection of independent law firms in your chosen location in, Costa Blanca South, Costa Blanca North, Murcia (Costa Calida) or the Costa del Sol.  However, who you choose to appoint is ultimately your decision. By making contact before you travel to Spain, you can ask any queries you may have about the buying process, taxes, etc. specific to you and your purchase.

If you are looking to buy a new build property for sale in Spain, it always pays to be organised - get in touch today.

Complete the formand a recommended law firm will contact you.

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